I am starting to feel better again post-surgery, so what better way to celebrate than a day at the mall? We went to go and get some new summer clothes for Sophie and left with one of those amazing ceramic hair straighteners. ( it is really cool because it curls hair too! ) Sophie, little Charlie and I were also happy to have Uncle Adam meet us there for a bit too! We did get some summer clothes as well!!
We came home had dinner and then went for a walk around the block. Normally this is not a big deal that I would write about, but today it was!! I went pretty slow, but a walk it was none-the-less.
We like to sit on the grass at night and roll the ball back and forth to each other. When this occurs, I realize that little Charlie is definitely a boy. He always tends to want to turn it into a wrestling match. ( poor Sophie)
It was a really fun day and I felt the most normal I have in a month, so like I said it was a day for fun!
11 years ago