Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We FiNaLLy CaVeD!!

We took our children to Lagoon for the first time. I know, I know you think we are awful to have waited this long.( and we probably are....... ) That being said, we had an excellent time! We went with the Luke cousins and it was so fun for all of us! Enjoy the photos!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I LoVe FaLL TiMe!!

I love the Autumn. I adore the decorations, I really, really like Halloween, I think candy corns are really YuMmY!! I really, really like to eat anything made with pumpkin and apples. ( Including and not limited to : pumpkin pancakes, bagels and cream cheese) I think the leaves changing color is pure magic. I get so excited to pick out Halloween costumes and I absolutely love my new tradition of a Halloween street party for the kids at my house. I think pumpkins sitting on porches look really classy and the color black ( my personal fave) is always appropriate. I like to travel in the fall, especially to New England. ( sigh...... ) I love wearing fun new jackets and taking walks through leaves. I think that raking piles of leaves and watching my kids jump into them is a really great way to spend an afternoon. I actually like carving pumpkins and I even like to eat their seeds. Fall is good, and I am liking it this year despite the fact that it has been a rough summer and I have cried a LOT! Thank you fall, you come around every year and I really, really like you!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

A FuN DaY At THe ZoO

Sophie, Emily ( cousin) little Charlie and I had a great day at the zoo. Unfortunately, I did not bring my camera. We had so much fun. First, we watched the elephant perform some of her tricks.... elephants really fascinate me. She is prego and is half way through her pregnancy. Just one more year to go! Just shoot me, I say.

We then went and rode the new DARLING carousel. It is so cute. It is all wooden carved animals painted in beautiful colors. Then, we went and caught the bird show and it was fantastic! We got to see a bald eagle really close and it made Emily's day! She loves birds and studying them.After that we went and watched the crazy apes. Charlie was absolutely fascinated with them and would not leave! They are really amazing to watch and we had a great time doing it.

It was such a marvelous time at the zoo and I really needed that. It was great to remember that life is for enjoying!

Friday, September 12, 2008

A nEw AnGeL

Heaven received a new angel last night. A sweet little five year old boy that has become my hero returned to Heaven last night. Jackson tried to hold on to his short life through five major surgeries in two months. He finally was able to rest last night. His little life has touched my life and countless other's and I just wanted to honor him today. We may not understand this now, but I know we will someday.

" WhEn I GrOw Up, I wAnT tO bE a CrUiSe ShIp."

_ Jackson Greene..... age 5

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SoPhIe'S FiRsT dAy oF ThIrD GrAdE

WoW!! I can't believe Soph is in third grade! It's really flying! I am excited for her to start a new year and I hope I can still do the third grade math!

Friday, September 5, 2008

It'S GrEaT tO Be A KiD!

Isn't it great to be a kid? The only trouble is that when you are one..... you don't know it! When else in life can you get away with times like this?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Aah, ThE GrEaT OuTdOoRs!

We had a great time a couple of weekends ago. We went up to a cabin in Brighton and spent the weekend! It was so gorgeous and we are so lucky to have this kind of beauty just a few miles away from our home! It was a great get away!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

HoMeMadE HaPpInEsS

My kids love to paint, cut, color and tape! They spend a great deal of time doing this each day. Sophie's creation is a house for her little critters and Charlie's creation is his rock painting. I love to see them creating and playing with things that were not bought in a store.