Thursday, May 21, 2009

"OuR SaVinG GrAce"

This year has been a challenge for Sophie. She has had a tougher teacher than she is used to. We have had some tears and frustrations, but I must say she has learned a lot. She has learned both academically and socially. This is one positive side of things. The biggest positive is her sweet friend Grace. I do not know what this year would have been like without her. They are such great friends and Grace has made the year so wonderful! I hope these two stay friends forever. We think she is quite GREAT!


Teisha said...

We love that Grace too! She really is so sweet! And Ms. Sophie too! What a cute friendship!

The Luke Family said...

OH! You are so nice!!!

How are Addie and Aidan????

amanda jane said...

I totally agree. thanks Karen, we really enjoy Sophie too and hope things stay happy in their worlds for years to come.