Monday, January 5, 2009

" TiCkLeD PiNk "

Eight years ago we bought our house. It was a SAD little house, it was a dirty, broken, unloved, cluttered, horrible little house..... but my darling husband saw potential ( I did not) In fact, I cried a lot! Inch by inch Charlie started painting, making, fixing, changing and low and behold almost every little inch of this house has been re done. Some rooms have been re done more than once. Every little whim or idea that came to me in the minutes before sleep have been completed. I owe this to my husband and our expanding mortgage. There is however one little room that I have not allowed to be changed all that much aside from cleaning and painting, I have wanted to preserve the PINK bathroom! It screams 50's and I LOVE it!! so, when I had the idea to paint the bathroom cabinets pink, Charlie obliged and not only that he added lovely PINK stripes to the walls! I LOVE it even more. For those who don't happen to love it, please just pretend that you do, because the chances of a remodel in that room are ZERO!!!!!

PS I know that the post below this one was a bit self absorbed..... sorry!!


The Gentry Family said...

I LOVE it! So cute! I'm so glad that Charlie saw the potential in that little house of yours. It definitely is not the same as it was!!! Good work guys!

The Luke Family said...

Thanks so much!

Yeah, you saw the nightmare, didn't you?

I do love the little red house now! LOL