Wednesday, February 4, 2009

WaNtEd..... TiMe To StAnD StiLL !

I wish I could freeze my kids at the ages they are at. Even if I could just make it last one more year. They are so fun ( for the most part) and aside from the squabbles and fights to get to bed, do homework brush hair and teeth etc. etc. etc. they are really, really fun right now! They are getting more independent and honestly, they love each other. I have caught them hugging and telling each other " I love you" often these days and it melts a mom's heart.

They are friends and they still love their parents so much. I long to keep it as is as long as I can. I know that the past eight and a half years have flown by. The next will do the same.

1 comment:

The Gentry Family said...

I totally know the feeling! I so want Aden to stay the age he is at. He is so sweet lately, and I just don't want him to get any bigger. Time really does fly!